Monday, 30 April 2012

CNC Pipe Bending Machine

CNC pipe bending machines are also known as tube bending machines. They can help to take the manual labor out of the pipe bending process and can help cut the production time down tremendously for this type of work. CNC pipe bending machines are well worth the investment and can add extra income to your business.
The CNC pipe bending machines offer quality, professional end products that can stand up to anything. You can purchase CNC pipe bending machines that have the following features:
o One or two pipe bending heads 
o Fixed radii 
o Variable radii 
o Straight bar or coil 
o With right and/or left hand bending 
o Up to 8 sets of tooling at one time which enables less of a set up time

Loading and unloading of the machines are now easier than ever and are designed to cut the set up time to a minimum. Computer software for these machines can also help to reduce the manual set up time of the machine.
The CNC pipe bender machines are computer controlled just like with all of the other CNC machines. Ran by computer software that needs to be downloaded into the machine, these machines can operate fully on their own and require very little human intervention. Software programmers write the program for the machines and the machine actually takes care of the rest. All an operator has to do is load and unload the machine, set up the right tools for the machine, download the software program into the machine and hit the start button. Pipe bending is now easier than ever.
If you would like to learn more about the CNC pipe machines, there are videos that are located across the internet that shows the machines capabilities. You can also learn step-by-step instructions on how to operate these machines. No matter what the radii of the bend is that you need to make, the CNC pipe bender machines are capable of doing the work precise, to the right specifications with each and every pipe. As long as the program is written correctly, repetitive bends for larger projects are easy to perform. Watch some of the videos to learn more about the CNC pipe benders and their capabilities.
There is a wide range of CNC machines that are available on the market today. They include: auto pipe bending, tube coiling machines, taper forming machines, etc. These machines are also available to bend different sizes of pipes and they work with different materials.
To learn more about the CNC pipe machines and the technology that they can offer you, contact your dealer. They will be able to answer any question that you may have and can explain, in detail, the process that is involved and how the machine works in relation to computer software programs. These machines incorporate robotic technology and computer numerical technology that can make your job a lot easier in the end and can help you to increase production.

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Saturday, 28 April 2012

CNC Punching

Punch Presses are generally used in the Sheetmetal industry; however they may be employed in other types of industry where the process of punching out shapes of different materials is required.
The punch press is used for cutting and forming material into various shapes and sizes and is a type of machine press. These presses may be very large CNC operated machines which hold large complex die sets, or they may be small manually operated machines which only hold one simple die.
Die sets usually consist of 'female' dies and 'male' punches, and when pressed together with the desired material placed between them, may form a hole or even deform the material (workpiece) into the desired shape of form. The punch is fixed to the end of a ram which moves up and down during the punching process in a vertically linear motion, and the dies and punches are removable to enable different shapes and holes to be formed into the workpiece.
There are mainly two types of common machines and these are generally large frame metal pieces of equipment. These are C type frames and portal type frames. On the C type frame there is a hydraulic ram set at the top part which allows the punching process to be carried out. On the portal type frame, the ram is cantered within the frame to prevent frame distortion and deflection.
Punch press machines all have a bed or table with rollers or brushes incorporated into them to enable the workpiece or the sheet of metal to travel with low friction. Brushes are mainly employed when minimal scratching or similar marks are not desirable, and the brushes provide a suitable finish to the material. Brushed aluminium or highly polished steels are an example of this process.
Punch presses are machines used for processing sheets of material, usually sheet metal, and they perform the operation of forming or stamping the sheet material at specified areas. Many of these machines will have a system by which they are controlled, and CNC operations allow for automatic modes determined by a pre-built program.
A punch press is characterized by some basic parameters and these will include:
· Type of tool shop
· Tool shop capacity
· Size of working area
· The working force (20 tons for example)
There are different types of CNC punch presses and they include the hydraulic punch press, the mechanical punch press and the flywheel driven press. Punch presses are often referred to by their tonnage, and the sizing tooling needed for a specific task is a straight forward process as the tonnage required to form and cut most materials is well known.
If you are in need of this service check out our product pages, they contain many companies that specialise in this. John Cheesman writes about CNC Punching. Visit the Businessmagnet product page for details and suppliers of CNC Punching.

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Friday, 27 April 2012

How to Develop Concrete Supervisory Skills?

Any kind of career advancement would require an organization as well as an individual to master concrete and distinct supervisory skills. At times it becomes really important to shoulder more responsibilities. For this any group or dedicated team may think of hiring extra employees and there would be one such person present in the team who with his vision and supervisory skills is sure to guide the people working under his authority. These are actually building blocks and the steps to making a successful organization.
Without a vision and supervision of few people the process of augmentation of the organization would be really difficult. May be one can start off with one single person but later his supervisory skills need to be imbibed by others in order to make the process smooth.
One can strive for excellence if he or she has an eye for details. There are many process, projects and assignments pertaining to an organization over which a very detailed eye needs to be moved. They have to be analyzed at each and every step.
Again at the same time there are many details for which one may not require to forage, they are readily available in front of the eyes. A good supervisory skill has been developed by a person can only be said when he or she is able to distinguish between the two and work accordingly. So however small they may sound but they are really important to make the person emerge as a winner and at the same time ensure the success of the organization.
One has to cater to the needs of the organization. It is not always true that superiors do not think high about a little more time spent, but one has to ensure that the time is really well spent and he or she is able to come up with an effective idea actually. In order to display that you have good supervisory skills it would be really good if you can collect the required information for any of your plan and then start working over your innovative ideas one by one.
Before fixing a meeting with your boss, have a well proof plan with you and communicate the idea with people who are interested or the people with whom you wish to work on your idea. There should be no space for lack of communication, clarity of thoughts and sections with which you require to work should be ready at hand so that you are not beating around the bush at any point of time.
I would like to lay special stress over exceptional communication skills since it is hugely responsible for your credibility as a good supervisor. It may not necessarily be a verbal mode of communication but a well written email to get your idea across your superiors and subordinates can also prove to be very beneficial actually.
So these are some of the important factors over which you can develop as well as exhibit your supervisory skills to others.

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Thursday, 26 April 2012

The Tools For Soldering

The heat sources normally used for soldering are the electric soldering iron and the gas blowlamp. The once popular traditional flame-heated soldering iron is now rarely used.
When deciding which tool to use you should remember that it is a waste of time trying to solder with a tool that is not powerful enough for the job. Equally well, one which is too powerful may heat up the solder too much and weaken the joint. For very delicate work, you will most likely need to use an electric soldering iron. Some gas blowlamps can do this job well too. For bigger electrical jobs and for soldering jewellery and model-making, you can use a blowlamp which takes a fine or extra fine burner a flame which is quite hot but not too big or diffuse is needed or one of the more powerful soldering irons. For plumbing work soldering capillary joints a gas blowlamp or blowtorch is the most sensible choice. For soldering large lumps of metal (or brazing), you need a powerful blowlamp. You should also think about the following points:
o the temperature the solder and joint have to reach ordinary solder melts at about 250°C, and this temperature must be maintained in the joint all the time it is being made
o the thermal size of the joint and its immediate surroundings - a large joint will need a larger source of heat to enable it to reach the required temperature, and when soldering metals, such as copper, which are very good conductors of heat, a steady supply of heat is needed to keep the temperature high
o the position of the joint if the joint is near temperature-sensitive electronic components like transistors, it is wise to insert a heat sink between the joint and the component to mop up the heat used in soldering to prevent it from travelling. A mass of metal is the usual heat sink, and a good heavy pair of pliers will often do the trick On the other hand, if the joint has a large surface area and is exposed to the air, it may radiate the heat away too quickly. This can be overcome by enclosing the joint in a temporary brick hearth, or by burying part of it in a bed of ashes. Never lay the joint on a good conducting surface.
Brazing uses alloys of copper and zinc which melt at much higher temperatures than solder (700 to 800°C) and give stronger joints. A special flux or a borax paste is needed. Braze (or bronze) welding uses the same sort of alloy, but instead of running it into the joint a fillet is built up on the surface. If the joint is small, it may be possible to reach the temperature required with a gas blowlamp, by playing the flame directly on the joint. If this is not successful, a more powerful heat source is needed.

A brazing attachment is available for use with an arc welder. This usually takes the form of two carbon rods fixed in a hand-held clamp. An arc is created between the tips of the two rods, and the resulting flame is used to heat the joint.
This source is both powerful and fierce, so it is advisable to practise this method before attempting to use it for repair.
Oxy-acetylene welding equipment is frequently used for brazing the heat is easily controlled by using the appropriate size nozzle and the torch is easy to manipulate. Unfortunately, these advantages tend to be outweighed by the difficulty in getting hold of the gases.
After learning this, you might want to learn  Copper Brazing   in your house just visit online learning center :

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Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Lean Training, Five Tips to Sustain the 5S System

Here are five useful tips that  helps your 5S Workplace Organisation efforts sticky.
I always use the analogy of a Company stuck on the motorway looking for a jack to fix their punctured tyre compared to a Formula One racing team doing a pit stop. Most Organisations that are not aware of the 5S technique are sad places to visit.
You can visibly see people struggling to do their jobs (looking for the jack!). Leadership charge around like headless chickens with a "fire extinguisher" in one hand and a "faulty piece of work" in the other (usually deciding if the product or information is ok to send out this week. It was not last week, but there is a far greater volume this week, so the decision will probably have to be different...)
The Seven Classic Wastes are alive and well. It is fantastic for Continuous Improvement Trainers like me. Lots of quick fixes to show clients and become a hero overnight. Not so great if you have to work there every day. Stress, frustration, poor productivity, terrible quality, more stress, lack of team work, and did I mention stress. 5S if implemented well and sustained can resolve 80% of these issues Did you see what I did there? I mentioned the word sustained to introduce the main theme of this article. The Fifth S sustain.
Just a quick reminder of the 5S: Sort, Straighten, Scrub,Straighten, Systems and Sustain. Imagine if 5S was the name of a pop band. (These days it probably is...) In many respects the fifth S is the member of the pop band that does not often get a mention but their contribution is fundamental to a successful long career at the top of the hit parade. Sort and Straighten, the front singers, get all the media attention and hype. They are always adored by 5S fans. You know, getting out there, sticking on a few red tags and then moving a few things about. Very full on, very sexy and you can go home and tell your family how you transformed the department today. Oh and you made a thing called a shadow board. But ladies and gentlemen, then what.
Very often. Not much more. After a few sales of your debut album "Sort and Straighten" 5S,the band seem to have come out of the spotlight.They try the inevitable "Sort and Straighten- Remix" This leads to a few more sales, but quickly they find both albums appearing in "Pound Shops" up and down the country in buy one get the other one free section (That is only 50p per album) The other members of the band, scrub and systems are important and also often overlooked. But today I want to focus on the drummer Sustain:
"You gotta keep banging that drum to sustain the 5S fun"
That is a lyric from the new charity record that 5S have produced (all proceeds going to a good cause) to try and re-grab some media attention and get their career back on track. So here are my 14 tips ( in no particular order) to ensure that the fifth S, Sustain is alive and well and that our 5S efforts have longevity and substance.
Tip #1 Physically Make a Difference
If you can make an obvious physical improvement in an area then it can go a long way to making the changes stick. Things work best when you go narrow and deep. It is not about tidiness but organisation and systems. For each item you should visually indicate what it is, where it goes and how much there should be of it.
Tip #2 Do Not Allow Squatters
When space is made available as a result of improvement activity, mark it off and reserve it for a future activity. Advertise the fact and get the area on a an office or plant drawing. Physically label the area with something like. This area is reserved for "Project X" and is not to be used. If you do not do this then the squatters will quickly move in and your efforts will have been in vain. Clutter and disorder seem to be a magnet for free space unless it is made obvious that it is not to be used.
Tip #3 Make People Accountable
Build 5S activity into your strategic plan and make all personnel have an element of 5S in their individual annual goals, that are reviewed on a regular basis as part of their overall performance.
Tip #4 Make Abnormality Jump Out at You
Try to make abnormality very obvious in the workplace. Do not hide issues but make them scream at you, if something is wrong when you walk into an area. You should be able to work out how things are going using visual control within 30 seconds of entering a department. Is the work flowing? Are their any errors? Is all equipment where it should be? You should be able to answer all of these questions without talking to anyone but just using your eyes.
Tip #5 Promote 5S
Take every opportunity to promote the 5S, but avoid wall paper. Using a Continuous Improvement Board can be a great way to show progress. best elearning course available for 5s on

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Shielding Gas for Welding

The application of gas plays a major role in the process of welding. While the ability to cut and heat relies heavily on acetylene, a wide variety of gases are used as shielding gases for welding.
Shielding gas prevents other gases in the atmosphere from reducing the quality of the welding process. Shielding gas also has an impact on several other aspects of the process, including welding torch travel speed and the quality of the weld deposit in finished form.
The type of shielding gas used depends on the arc welding method being performed and the material being welded. In order to meet the shielding gas needs of a particular application, gases are often times formulated into special blends. Some elements commonly used in these specialty gas combination's include oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, argon, and carbon dioxide.
The third most common gas in the Earth's atmosphere, argon is heavier than air and has a low thermal rate of conductivity. These qualities enable argon to provide solid arc welding stability and penetration. Argon is also an inert gas, which allows it to be used without impacting the composition of the welded metal.
As a shielding gas, argon is used on its own for gas metal arc welding (GMAW) and gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) on nonferrous metals such as aluminum and copper. It is also used in combination with other elements for GMAW and flux-cored arc welding (FCAW) projects involving the joining of steel.
The addition of Oxygen in shielding gases for GMAW projects can enhance arc stability. It can also improve the fluidity and wetting characteristics of weld puddles by reducing surface tension. When used in conjunction with carbon dioxide and argon, oxygen can also provide versatility to joining certain types of carbon steel.
Used primarily on austenitic and duplex stainless steels, hydrogen is known for improving the weld puddle fluidity and cleanliness of surfaces. When added in small amounts to argon, it can also provide excellent weld bead appearance and improve the travel speeds of GTAW projects involving austenitic steels by as much as 25 percent.
This gas can improve weld penetration and arc stability of austenitic and duplex stainless steels. Additionally, it is used as a shielding gas additive to increase the mechanical properties and pitting resistances of super-austenitic and super-duplex stainless steels. Nitrogen also provides good root protection for metal when used with 10 percent hydrogen.
This is just a small overview of some benefits shielding gases provide to the welding process. For more information check out online course on eVersity  :

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Monday, 23 April 2012

Innovations in Solar Technology

Today we're going to take a look at the innovations in solar technology in recent years and how it has changed the world around us, and check out some of the novel uses for solar technology.
The first and most relevant one to those of us who want to reduce our electricity bills is the use of solar power to generate residential electricity. The number of homes generating solar power that are connected to the electricity grid is growing year on year, and great subsidy programs in countries who appreciate the value of solar energy and how important it is for our future are helping it to catch up with fossil fuel based systems.
Newer buildings are being constructed with photovoltaic panels integrated into them, sometimes with solar cells actually being used as roof tiles! This solves a lot of the problems people have with the aesthetics of solar panels.
The fact that solar power can be used for off grid systems means that areas which were previously inconvenient to inhabit due to their distance from electrical power grids are now an option for holiday homes, farms, etc. Solar power can be used in such remote areas to power water pumps to get a fresh water supply to them from wells or other sources as well.
In standalone devices, solar power has proved an invaluable innovation. Chances are if you drive on the highways, you've seen that the emergency phones that line the hard shoulder have solar panels on top of them these days. This completely eradicates the need for an electricity supply to them saving millions of miles of cabling and the work associated with it. The same is true of modern parking meters, road signs, and so on. Solar street lighting is also gaining prominence. LED driven street lights have an extremely high efficiency, meaning they need very little current to operate and they have a very long lifetime making them ideal to be twinned with daytime solar charging and allowing them to become standalone electric devices that don't need to be connected to the electricity grid.
An ambitious project in Sicily, Italy involves integrating solar panels right into the highway. A 19 mile stretch on the island of Sicily is going to have panels integrated into the roadway to power the street-lighting, tunnel fans, and emergency phones. The estimated energy from the solar highway is thought to be in the region of 12 GW per year!
A more adventurous project in solar technology involves harnessing the sun's energy in space using satellites and relaying it to earth, which would minimise losses by being able to transmit the energy to particular locations on earth from the satellites. Of course, the cost involved with launching these satellites is probably prohibitively expensive for now. An even more ambitious plan has been suggested, that involves covering the surface of the moon with solar panels and sending the energy back to earth! For now, I think that's the stuff of science fiction novels J
The promise of a solar car which would make commuters oil free is an exciting prospect, but the truth is that solar panels on top of a car could only generate a few hundred watts at best, and even a modest compact car has an engine with a power output of 50kW. Even with extreme streamlining and weight reduction it seems unlikely that a fully solar powered car is feasible. At the moment it seems the best we can hope for is an onboard solar energy system which contributes to charging the battery of an electric car.
However, there have been test flights of a solar powered airplane and believe it or not, a round the world flight is planned for 2013! The Solar Impluse has managed speeds of 75 mph at 28,000 feet with its massive 207 foot wingspan. It has 400 kg of batteries on board and a whopping 35,000 solar cells to keep it powered and airborne. It is quite impressive and awe inspiring to think that nothing but the sun's energy can facilitate a craft like this to fly, just don't expect to be hopping on a solar powered 747 for an intercontinental flight any time soon!
As you can see, solar power as a concept is growing and growing. Researchers and engineers are coming up with more ambitious projects to harness as much of this green, free energy as possible. The future is certainly exciting for solar power! If you're interested in getting on board the solar highway, pay us a visit at the Solar Hub to get the lowdown! is a hub of elearning. Why not pay us a visit and find out about solar energy courses.

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Friday, 20 April 2012

Basic Facts About Measuring Wastewater Pollution

For those involved in wastewater treatment, BOD facts comprise vital information they need to know about measuring wastewater pollution. In this article I explain these facts.
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD):
In wastewater treatment, BOD is the amount of dissolved oxygen (DO) used by microorganisms in the biochemical oxidation of organic and inorganic matter in wastewater. It is measured by incubating a sample at a standard temperature (usually 20 C) for a set period of time (commonly 5 days). The sample must be diluted if the BOD is high.
BOD (mg/l) = (D1 - D2) x D.F
D - initial DO 1 
D - final day DO 1 and 2 
D.F - dilution factor.

I. Typically, as seen during wastewater treatment, BOD values in domestic wastewater vary between 110 and 400 mg/l (Metcalf and Eddy, 1979).
II. For typical untreated domestic wastewater, the BOD / 5 COD ratio varies from 0.4 to 0.8, and the BOD / TOC ratio 5 varies from 1.0 to 1.6.
In wastewater treatment, BOD value ultimately depends on the carbonaceous phase and nitrogeneous phase.
(Ref: Metcalf and Eddy, inc. 1979, Wastewater Engineering: treatment, disposal and reuse, 2nd Ed., Mcgraw-hill, New York).
Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (CBOD):
CBOD is the amount of dissolved oxygen used by microorganisms in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter only. It is measured by preventing nitrification during the incubation period of the BOD test. Methods for preventing nitrification include pre-treating the sample by adding inhibitory agents such as ammonia, methylene blue, thiourea, allylthiourea, 2-chlor-6 (trichloromethyl) pyridine (TCMP), or proprietary products.
Nitrogeneous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (NBOD):
Autrotrophic bacteria such as nitrifying bacteria require oxygen + to oxidize NH to NO. The oxygen demand exerted by nitrifiers is called autrotrophic BOD in wastewater or nitrogeneous biochemical oxygen demand (NBOD).
NBOD - nitrogeneous biochemical oxygen demand 
BOD - biochemical oxygen demand 
CBOD - carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand

The theoretical nitrogeneous oxygen demand is 4.57 g oxygen used per gram of ammonium oxidized to nitrate. However, this value is actually lower and must be corrected due to incorporation of some of the nitrogen into the microbial cells.
Thus NBOD is as follows:
NBOD (mg/l) = (available N - assimilated N) x 4.33
(Verstraete, W., and E. VanVvaerenbergh, 1986):
During wastewater treatment BOD tests are needed to be carried out to distinguish between carbonaceous and nitrogeneous BODs. It is recommended to add 2-chloro-6 (trichloromethyl) pyridine at a final concentration of 10 mg/l for nitrification inhibition.

For a FREE e learining on a great new wastewater treatment technology and for everything else you want to know about wastewater treatment including wastewater treatment click

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Thursday, 19 April 2012

Advanced Technology in Material Science.

The Global recession in 2008 caused a pronounced deceleration in the Industrial World. The manufacturers of the advanced Countries started outsourcing their manufacturing activities to Asian Countries for economic reasons. But now the picture has changed, as the labor and other manufacturing costs has escalated in China and other Asian Countries as well. These Companies are now bringing back their manufacturing activities to their own Country. It is certain that the advance technology in material science will help the manufacturers of advanced countries to in-source their activities.
This is possible, as many new advanced materials were in R & D for many years and now available to small and medium scale manufacturers of the advanced countries. These Items are highly technical in nature and it is very difficult to explain it in simple terms. Anyway, I will try to explain these to readers in an easy way so that they can have an idea of what is coming up in material science in near future.
Let us examine some select advance technology materials which are already in use in manufacturing process. These are:-
1. High temperature Super-conductors - Standard conductors like copper wires are less efficient when used for power transmission compared to Super Conductors. Whereas if Super Conductors are used for electrical transmission lines, they are more energy efficient and carry 100 - 200 times more current than copper. A Japanese Company has developed a Bismuth based Super Conductor which will be able to transmit 200 times more current than copper when cooled with liquid nitrogen. This will result in less wiring requirement for electrical power transmission.
The High temperature Super Conductors can be used in Energy Transmission, Motors for boats, magnetic levitation trains (these trains float over a guide way using the basic principle of magnet replacing the traditional tracks of trains). Medical Equipment such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scanners etc.
2. Advanced Stainless Steel and Super Alloys - These alloys can withstand tremendous heat when spinning in turbine engine. These Metals have exceptional strength and hardness, can withstand flexing, anti-corrosive, and have desired magnetic and electrical properties. These can be used in Steam and Gas Turbines as it can withstand temperatures up to 2200 degree Fahrenheit.
There are other advanced Metals and Advanced Polymer Coatings etc. which will be highly useful to manufacturers for value added manufacturing activities in a profitable way.
Using Advanced Metals has the greatest advantage of almost competition free market and value added profit.
If by reading this Article, any manufacturer is interested to use it, offers e learning for it check out at :
Material Science CoursesTime DurationView Details
Applied Metallurgy 
This module will provide help trainees understand the metallurgy with a perspective of fabrication. This is must for every fabrication engineer & supervisor.
4.8 hrs
Stainless Steel Metallurgy
This module provides knowledge to welders, about the metallurgy aspect of stainless steel. This module is must for every welder.
7.5 hrs

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Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Geothermal Energy Pros and Cons - What Are They?

  • Sustainable
This is considered the primary benefit of geothermal energy. In contrast to normal energy sources like non-renewable fuels and coal, geothermal energy is part of the renewable energy sources like wind power, solar, wave, etc... Heat from the earth is just about limitless. Consequently after a geothermal heat pump system is set up, it is going to generate energy for many years, without the need to renew the source of the energy, because it is naturally replenished. 
  • Green
Sustainability is definitely the second substantial appeal of geothermal energy. It does not make air pollution of any kind consequently it does not cause long-term damage to our natural environment. We will benefit from this "eco-friendly" energy without needing to undermine the capability of future generations to supply their energy needs. 
  • Has the potential to help save a lot of money
Certainly this can be one of the primary benefits if we look at it from a monetary standpoint. Over the long-term will probably help you save a lot of money on our power costs. It can be calculated that in approximately 5-8 years the upfront investment pays off so one can take advantage of "free" electrical power afterwards (take note that this is with current systems and prices, this will unquestionably drop in the foreseeable future as a lot more citizens will start choosing geothermal energy) 
  • Harmless
The usage of a geothermal heat pump is incredibly safe (when installed properly by a skilled specialist). You don't have to think about carbon-monoxide poisoning, it simply cannot catch on fire, it is not able to explode and it doesn't radiate. No continual repairing or per year inspections are obligatory. 
  • Consistent rate of electrical power
One of the central troubles with environmentally friendly energy solutions tends to be that they are somewhat unpredictable. The wind can cease blowing temporarily, the sun rays doesn't continually shine, etc... Fortunately this isn't so with geothermal energy. One can constantly make use of geothermal heat, since it is nearly constant (around. 60 F or 16 C at the depth of 6 feet or 1.8 meters). The lower the pipes are in the earth the hotter it gets hence supplying more geothermal energy. 
  • Unrestricted capability and availability
It may perhaps be evident but geothermal energy offers infinite capacity. It will probably never (in any case not within the next couple of million years) be used up and is also at all times obtainable. 
  • Might be utilized for a wide variety of purposes
Geothermal places are found on all continents and may be used from commercial to residential electricity generation.
  • Initial expenses will be high
Right now this is most likely the main downside. It is more pricey to set up a geothermal heat pump system than a standard system. 
  • Large area needed
A reasonably big spot is necessary to install a geothermal heating system. In case a larger sized backyard or property is available this will not be such a major problem, but a geothermal heat pump system will not be achievable in the garden of a city house, at least not with horizontal pipes. Vertical piping can also be used, but it is considerably more challenging and more higher priced to drill vertically as compared to horizontally. 
  • Electric power is still necessary
A heat pump needs electric power to operate. This is more like a drawback of a heat pump and not geothermal energy itself, however it has to be considered when figuring out if a geothermal heat pump system is the way forward.
eversity brought e-learning training program on geothermal electric power generation click to view more details 
Geothermal Electric Power Generation 
This course will provide students a critical understanding of the basic engineering concepts in Geothermal Electric Power Generation technologies.
5.6 hrs

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Monday, 16 April 2012

5 Key Advances in Solar Technology

Many researchers and scientists committed to becoming energy independent have been working relentlessly over the years trying to improve photovoltaic module technology (PV), a panel with interconnected solar cells that converts the sun's energy into electricity. There have been many dramatic breakthroughs in PV module, but the five most promising advances in solar technology are:
Third-Generation Solar Cells - Traditional solar cell is converts the energy of sunlight into electricity through the use of silicon and thin films made of CdTe (cadmium telluride) and CIGS (copper indium gallium selenide). Both are expensive to process and mass produce. Third-generation solar cells are being made from variety of new materials besides silicon that is more cost effective.
Sensor Solar Panels - Unlike traditional solar panels, flat sheets of packaged interconnected assembly of solar cells, is shaped like a drive-in movie screen that automatically tracks the sun. This concentrated sensor technology amplifies the sun's power 500 to 1,000 times, generating 25 kilowatts of electricity at its peak hour.
Stirling Energy System (SES) - Using a more refined design, SES reduces the number of parts, making the system more robust while fitted better for the desert environment than the concentrated photovoltaic systems that needs water to operate. Stirling Engine uses thermal energy to heat a gas, which expands to push a piston. As the gas starts to cool, it contracts and cycle an engine. The engine has shown 30 percent efficiency, superior to the 20 percent of most current PV systems.
High-Performance Photovoltaics - Still in the projects by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), but expected to enable process of high-efficiency technologies toward commercial-prototype products aims to explore the ultimate performance of PV technologies to double their sunlight-to-electricity conversion efficiencies. This project is still under investigation for a wide range of complex issues, initial modeling, baseline experiments and other advanced concepts.
Building-Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) - Also still under research by the NREL, focuses on the integration of PV panels into buildings during construction. BIPV would replace traditional building materials such as roofs, windows overhangs, walls etc. to improve the building's aesthetics, system reliability while reducing costs and utility transmission losses.
For more information on how you can go solar go for e-learning  [], please visit

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Saturday, 14 April 2012

Weld Symbols

When you first start welding it may be difficult to understand what you are seeing when you look at the weld symbols. However, if you think of this as a system of codes or a way of shorthand that tells you different information about the weld that needs to be done, these weld symbols will be easier to read.
The information you can gain from these symbols is important; they tell you the type of weld to do, the size of the weld you should do and other information about how you will process it or finish the job. These are all weld symbols that are set up by the American Welding Society and the American National Standards Institute.
The first part of the weld symbols that you will find is a horizontal line because this is the one that tells you much of the information. This is also referred to as the reference line because it is the part that all the other symbols will be attached to. In other words, you will look at this line first to see what is needed a then the other lines act as the attachments for the rest of the work 
There are also going to be arrows on different parts of a diagram after this initial reference point to show you where you need to do the weld. You might have one side of the joint that needs welding or more than one place. The diagram and the reference line will tell you what to do.
You will know which side you need to weld by the way that the symbols are laid out. As an example, the weld symbol will show one side with an arrow and white space that will put the reference line in the middle of the space to be welded.
You will have the side with the arrow called the arrow side and whatever information you have below and above the reference line will be what you will do on that side. The second side of the joint of course called the other side will have directions of what to do listed under the reference line. This helps to keep things form getting to confusing, and will be the same no matter how the arrow is directed.
When you see a small circle around the angle part of the arrow and the reference line, this indicates a flag which means that the weld you are making should be made in the field when you are creating the structure. If you do not see the flag then this means you are to do your weld inside the shop. Also, the circle may also tell you that the weld needs to go the full circle of the joint. In some of the drawings of older structures you might see a filled in black circle which will indicate that this weld should be done in the field.
You will find that every weld type will be shown with a different symbol and usually it will be placed close to the center of where the reference line is located.
Go to  to get your free e learning course on  Welding

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Friday, 13 April 2012

A Complete Note on Arc Welding

Electroslag welding is a very keen process of welding. Electroslag welding (esw) does a important work of depositing two metals into the very own weld cavity which is between the two plates which has to be joined. To enclose the space by water or copper damn or else shoes so that molten slag could be prevented from running off. An initial arc which is formed from a filler wire with a piece of work and it is done till a sufficient pool of liquid metal is formed which is also used for the molten slag s electrical resistance. This type of welding is a very huge process.
Special equipments are required for this process generally for large plates which is weld horizontal welds up to certain inches which is only done by using nuclear reactor vessels or large machinery by welding them in one pass. The ESW has variations if the shielding is provided by a very appt appropriate gas and a continuous arc where weld metal is used is provided. This are called electrogas welding.or machines of the same kind.
Fluxed core arc welding is another process of welding flux cored arc welding (fcaw) this (FCAW) uses a tabular. flux that is much less brittle than the coating on SMWA electrodes with the tabular electrodes filled while preserving bits alloying benefit most of its potential. The weld from surrounding air is shield from the emissive fluxes non emissive fluxes are employed on large scale and also shielding gases are used. The deposition rate of the FCAW over the GMAW of higher weld metals leading to its popularity to a relatively heavy section or thickness. The ease with which the specific weld metal alloy chemistries could be developed is an major advantage of FCAW and with the new robotic system especially, this process could easily automated.
Gas metal arc welding is the third of this kind. It is also called GMAW. The other name is metal internal gas or (MIG) welding. External gases such as argon, helium gas mixtures or carbon dioxide are used for the weld zone. Oxidation can completely be prevented in the weld puddle by the dioxide present in the electrode which in turn makes the multiple weld layers possible at the joint. It is a very simple and a versatile apparatus. GMAW is relatively very economically welding apparatus which is used mostly by the welders. And it is only possible because of the two welding process over SMAW the temperatures comparatively low which is suitable for thin sheets and thinner sections. It is the most easily automated process.
For more information on arc welders and tig welders you can visit our site

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Wednesday, 11 April 2012

The Basics of CNC Machine Tools

To most of us, CNC sounds foreign, but equipment belonging to the CNC category are a daily thing for those belonging to manufacturing and fabrication industries. CNC stands for Computer Numerical Control which has been used since the 1970's at the onset of computers. That is how it got its name, except that it was first called only NC or numerical control when it was first introduced.
The CNC is programmed to reduce manual intervention in a certain fabrication process, thus reducing production time and wastage, thereby resulting to increased production efficiency. To illustrate this, metal preparation using conventional tools would require the operator to manually bore hole on the metal using a drill press. But before he can do it, he has to secure the metal in place, select the desired speed for rotation of the drill press, activate the spindle and manually drive the drill into the metal. That takes a lot of steps and errors and accidents are bound to happen at each step of the process.
The CNC machine simplifies all these work for the operator. With the CNC equivalent of the drill press, he only has to position the metal in its place, activate the spindle, set the controls and the machine does the rest. It is very well like the automated ways of doing things. Everything that an operator is required to do with the conventional machine tools is programmable with CNC machines.
Another advantage of a CNC machine is being able to produce consistent and accurate work pieces. Once the programming controls had been set, the CNC machine can produce thousand of identical pieces in a short span of time. This is almost impossible if done manually.
CNC machines are also flexible since processes are programmed. You can run a specific program for one piece, save it and recall it again the next time that piece is to be reproduced. These machines are also easy to set-up, thus, allowing you to meet your deadlines faster.
All CNC machines have motion control, whether linear or rotary. This is one of the things that they have in common. The path or direction that the machine follows is called axis. The more axes the machine has, the more complex it is.
Common industrial examples of CNC tools are welders, drills, grinders, routers and lathes. But it is noteworthy to know that are even home tools that belong to the CNC category. These are electronic paper cutters, quilting and embroidery machines and yes, your computer printer which operates on the X axis only.
Without us knowing it, some tools that we encounter as we do about our respective businesses may be CNC machines too. The use of these machines is not only exclusive to the metal industry but in large range endeavors as well, especially those that require mass production of articles. As the demand increases, the need for producers to meet these demands becomes more urgent as well. But thanks to CNC machines, production processes are made easier, faster and safer.

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Best Way to know CNC Technology provided by :
CNC Technology CoursesTime DurationView Details
CNC Laser Cutting
This module will provide knowledge about the laser cutting technology used in metal cutting.
8.3 hrs
CNC Bending
This module will help trainees understand the various types of press brake operations and their importance in fabrication process.
7.3 hrs
CNC Punching
This module will help trainees understand the operational details and technical fundamentals of CNC punching.
3.6 hrs
Process in CNC Sheet Metal
This module provides detailed knowledge about sheet steel fabrication process and usage of CNC machines in the process. This is useful for every operator working on CNC machines.
6.4 hrs
Tool Machines Knowledge
This module helps tool machine operator understand various types of tools, their usage in machines, which tools to use where.
3.3 hrs