Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Lean Training, Five Tips to Sustain the 5S System

Here are five useful tips that  helps your 5S Workplace Organisation efforts sticky.
I always use the analogy of a Company stuck on the motorway looking for a jack to fix their punctured tyre compared to a Formula One racing team doing a pit stop. Most Organisations that are not aware of the 5S technique are sad places to visit.
You can visibly see people struggling to do their jobs (looking for the jack!). Leadership charge around like headless chickens with a "fire extinguisher" in one hand and a "faulty piece of work" in the other (usually deciding if the product or information is ok to send out this week. It was not last week, but there is a far greater volume this week, so the decision will probably have to be different...)
The Seven Classic Wastes are alive and well. It is fantastic for Continuous Improvement Trainers like me. Lots of quick fixes to show clients and become a hero overnight. Not so great if you have to work there every day. Stress, frustration, poor productivity, terrible quality, more stress, lack of team work, and did I mention stress. 5S if implemented well and sustained can resolve 80% of these issues Did you see what I did there? I mentioned the word sustained to introduce the main theme of this article. The Fifth S sustain.
Just a quick reminder of the 5S: Sort, Straighten, Scrub,Straighten, Systems and Sustain. Imagine if 5S was the name of a pop band. (These days it probably is...) In many respects the fifth S is the member of the pop band that does not often get a mention but their contribution is fundamental to a successful long career at the top of the hit parade. Sort and Straighten, the front singers, get all the media attention and hype. They are always adored by 5S fans. You know, getting out there, sticking on a few red tags and then moving a few things about. Very full on, very sexy and you can go home and tell your family how you transformed the department today. Oh and you made a thing called a shadow board. But ladies and gentlemen, then what.
Very often. Not much more. After a few sales of your debut album "Sort and Straighten" 5S,the band seem to have come out of the spotlight.They try the inevitable "Sort and Straighten- Remix" This leads to a few more sales, but quickly they find both albums appearing in "Pound Shops" up and down the country in buy one get the other one free section (That is only 50p per album) The other members of the band, scrub and systems are important and also often overlooked. But today I want to focus on the drummer Sustain:
"You gotta keep banging that drum to sustain the 5S fun"
That is a lyric from the new charity record that 5S have produced (all proceeds going to a good cause) to try and re-grab some media attention and get their career back on track. So here are my 14 tips ( in no particular order) to ensure that the fifth S, Sustain is alive and well and that our 5S efforts have longevity and substance.
Tip #1 Physically Make a Difference
If you can make an obvious physical improvement in an area then it can go a long way to making the changes stick. Things work best when you go narrow and deep. It is not about tidiness but organisation and systems. For each item you should visually indicate what it is, where it goes and how much there should be of it.
Tip #2 Do Not Allow Squatters
When space is made available as a result of improvement activity, mark it off and reserve it for a future activity. Advertise the fact and get the area on a an office or plant drawing. Physically label the area with something like. This area is reserved for "Project X" and is not to be used. If you do not do this then the squatters will quickly move in and your efforts will have been in vain. Clutter and disorder seem to be a magnet for free space unless it is made obvious that it is not to be used.
Tip #3 Make People Accountable
Build 5S activity into your strategic plan and make all personnel have an element of 5S in their individual annual goals, that are reviewed on a regular basis as part of their overall performance.
Tip #4 Make Abnormality Jump Out at You
Try to make abnormality very obvious in the workplace. Do not hide issues but make them scream at you, if something is wrong when you walk into an area. You should be able to work out how things are going using visual control within 30 seconds of entering a department. Is the work flowing? Are their any errors? Is all equipment where it should be? You should be able to answer all of these questions without talking to anyone but just using your eyes.
Tip #5 Promote 5S
Take every opportunity to promote the 5S, but avoid wall paper. Using a Continuous Improvement Board can be a great way to show progress. best elearning course available for 5s on http://eversity.co/elearning/5Stechniques.aspx

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4564364