Sunday, 29 July 2012

Welding Safety Equipment - "Safety never takes a holiday !!!"

Welding is a potentially very dangerous and hazardous job. Therefore it is essential that you have the right protective equipment needed before you start.

When you weld you produce a huge amount of heat, light and fumes that can be incredibly harmful to you. So to shield you from these dangers you need to have the right protective equipment.

When choosing welding safety equipment, there are many things to consider but a prime consideration would be the type of welding that would be going on. This would determine what possible dangers the welding professional would be exposed to and how best to go about combating these dangers.

The use of welding safety equipments is essential to protect the areas of the body most vulnerable to hazards, which result directly from welding activities. As a result, welding safety equipments focus on protecting the head, the eyes, the body, the legs and feet of a welding professional. Welding safety equipments would include welding apparel, welding safety goggles and safety harnesses amongst others.

To start with you should have a welding mask and safety goggles that you wear underneath your mask. These welding masks will guard you against the damaging effects of the ultraviolet and infrared lights that are produced whilst welding. They will also protect your head and eyes from flying bits of metal, slag, burns and fumes.

OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) recognizes three broad categories under which welding goggles fall. These are the Eyecup Clear Safety Lens welding goggles; the Eyecup Coversepc Clear Safety Lens welding goggles and the Eyecup Coversepc Tinted welding goggles.

If your welding mask doesn't cover the whole of your head then it may be necessary for you to wear further headgear. A welder's fire-resistant cap will protect your head from flying sparks and burns. Similarly earmuffs will shield your ears against flying hot metal and also guard them from excessive noise.

Another important piece of safety equipment when welding is a good pair of boots. The boots should be made of leather, steel-toed and high-topped. These will help protect your feet and ankles from injury.

The next area of safety equipment to look at is gloves. You should always wear dry, thick, insulated welding gloves. These are necessary to protect your hands from burns and radiation. Welder's gloves are usually made of leather and are fire-resistant.

The safety harnesses are used by workers for welding activities in the air and are imperative in protection from falls. There are a lot of injuries from falls resulting from malfunctions of safety harnesses. The major reason for these injuries is that most safety harnesses have nylon webbings which could easily burn when sparks from welding activities touch them. Welding apparel protecting vulnerable parts are advised.

Finally you need to insure that the rest of your body is protected. You should always wear clothing of heavy materials such as wool or thick cotton. These materials are harder to ignite and therefore provide better protection against burns. You should avoid wearing any synthetic fabrics as they will burn easily and can melt onto your skin.

When choosing your clothing you need to make sure that all the parts of your body are completely covered. This means wearing long-sleeved shirts and long trousers, definitely no t-shirts or shorts. Your clothing needs to be kept clean and free from holes, tears or frays. Any clothing that is stained with oil, grease or any other solvents will be more at risk of catching fire. Whereas clothing that has holes or is frayed will be more likely to let heat and sparks through or become snagged on something.

All welding safety equipment should be purchased from reliable vendors and should come with clear and legible instructions.
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Thursday, 26 July 2012

Lowering the Weld cost ....!!

Given that labor typically accounts for 60 percent to 85 percent of the total cost of any welding operation, fabricators stand to reap significant benefits by better understanding and controlling those costs. However, that’s often easier said than done. Here are some practical ways to do it.

Too often, manufacturers make the mistake of seeking to increase productivity by simply adding additional welding cells rather than looking for ways to maximize welder efficiency. In order to fully understand the true cost of a welding operation, companies need to look not just at the weld cell, but at the upstream and downstream operations outside the cell to see if labor is being unnecessarily wasted in non-value added activities.

While many portions of the welding operation are absolutely essential, there are also ways that manufacturers can lower the labor costs in the welding operation by reducing or eliminating the time consumed on the activities listed below :
• Preparing the metal for welding
• Preparing the joint
• Applying anti-spatter
• Pre-heating time
• Positioning and repositioning the weldment
• Grinding spatter and chipping slag
• Removing anti-spatter
• Repairing and/or reworking welds that don’t pass inspection
• Gas cylinder swap outs
• Changing filler metals
• Grinding and/or polishing weld to obtain final appearance

Additional ways to make the welding portion of the process more efficient include switching from small spools to large drums of welding wire, using bulk shielding gas instead of individual cylinders and converting to high-quality welding guns and consumables that require less frequent maintenance and repair.

Identifying the wasted labor in a welding operation is only the first step in the process, however. Once this has been identified, manufacturers often have numerous options available to reduce that waste, including production process reconfigurations, manpower reallocations, equipment upgrades and outsourcing certain parts of the process. Choosing the best solution will depend heavily on the company’s specific operation, products, growth plans and resources.

Before implementing any of these changes, fabricators should conduct thorough evaluations of their welding operations to fully understand the impact of the changes under consideration. Consulting with an efficiency expert, a welding integrator or an equipment manufacturer could help to identify areas where weld costs can be reduced and the best ways to accomplish that goal.

Companies should also be aware that in some cases, identifying and eliminating waste at one location in the production process will reveal – or even create – deficiencies in another part of the process. For example, before switching to an advanced pipe welding process, a mechanical contractor in Florida needed two welders to keep up with a single upstream person beveling and tacking the pipes. After switching processes, the contractor needed two employees beveling and tacking the pipe to keep up with a single welder.

For more visit : eVersity

Monday, 23 July 2012

Waste Water Management ..... Why it is must ???

Water may be costing you business more than your think. By initiating some simple actions, you can receive simple savings that go straight to your company's bottom line. Additional to that, it's environmentally friendly! Saving of up to 80% can be had by installing a water management system. They are generally programmable to your requirements and are incorporated into the water supply and urinal system to control flush frequency, therefore eliminating unnecessary and expensive waste.

Millions of liters of water are wasted every year alone by the constant flushing of men's urinals in toilets, even when there is absolutely no need to flush. This usually happens between the hours of 2am and 9am, or over weekends or holidays. When you think of the time over the year, this accounts for a major percentage - around 66% of a normal working day accounts for out of office hours.

Water being an indispensable element for sustenance should be conserved. Sources of water have soon begun to deplete at an alarming rate. Increase in population and depletion of water resources calls for a greater trouble in future, we are already experiencing shortage of this life saving element. Hence, there is a greater need to treat waste water.
Industrial waste and fertilizers used in the agricultural field if seeped in to marine habitats such as lakes and rivers will cause a lot of problems. Hence they must be treated before discharging them out. If not it leads to the growth of algae which consumes the oxygen in the water leaving behind nothing for the rest of the living creatures. It may lead to the death of other marine creatures. It further produces toxins which pose risk to life. It may cause problems to living creatures which may feed on them such as fish, and other aquatic creatures.

Biological treatment of this waste liquid is important. There is a lot of urban waste and industrial waste which needs to be treated. This has to adhere to the Community Directives and must meet the quality standards and objectives.

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Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Solar Technology - A Way to Save Money

Since the beginning of man and earth, the sun has provided us with an abundant source of energy. A power source so great it has illuminated our planet for billions of years. Only in recent times has man been able to recognize how to integrate this to our lives. Sadly, we are only using a diminutive amount compared to what is available to us. The main cause is the lack of technology we possess. We have known of its potential since early man was born but we are limited by the tools we have to harness this effectively.
Solar technology is a wonderful method for saving cash and use completely eco-friendly power, but to be perfectly sincere, it's not suitable for everybody. Solar power equipment and installation is pricey. Certain areas and house circumstances will not be suitable for generating energy, and certain places and states will not deliver the identical incentives, rendering it a tougher decision.
In order to clear up a few of the questions and dilemma, here are various questions you should ask yourself to find out if solar power fits your needs and also your home.

Does Your State/City Make It Worthwhile?
This is how you're going to have to do some investigation. Several states (most notably California and Vermont) seriously incentivize the purchase, installation and use of solar panel systems to the degree that you will not just save money, but you may actually profit from your extra energy and from the sale of SRECs. Some other states do not have such programs or possibly a accreditation program for SREC generation, which makes it much more expensive for the same equipment. Do your research, and make sure to find all of the city, state and federal programs you qualify for.

Do You Have Significant Energy Needs?
Determining your power requirements can be tricky. Most people do not power their houses 100% from solar power, but you need to get a good suggestion of just how much you will need. A typical a solar panel system will produce in between 1000-2000 kWh each month. To get a good idea of just how much energy this is, the easiest way might be to look at your electricity bill to see how much you are currently utilising. Alternately, you might go through your house and add up the electrical appliances you actually need. For instance, a pc uses around 300-500 watts, whereas a refrigerator uses 500-1000 watts. How this switches to kWh is take your total power level usage (for this instance, let's say it's only the computer and also the fridge, so around twelve hundred watts) times the time period it's being utilized (again, let's think that both are utilized twenty-four hours/day) and you get 28,800 watt hours (or 28.8 kWh). There are also gadgets you can get to evaluate your utilization, or you can merely look at your meter and measure it from month to month or daily.

Is Going Green Crucial To You?
Finally, how important is it that you "go green"? For some, the cost, the irritation of trying to get governing programs and the prospective to save virtually no cash depending on your circumstances may not matter when you take into consideration the positive impact you'll be having on the environment. The green facet of going solar is an intangible value that you'll need to think about and decide for yourself what its worth. Ultimately, there will be some cost associated with either decision, so weigh all of the implications and options carefully before making your final decision. solar power is the next best thing in the race for energy efficiency

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Saturday, 14 July 2012

Process Manufacturing Techniques

Should you be a business owner of your company that manufactures products for customers, you should ask yourself couple of questions "Is my manufacturing process delivering at its optimum?", "Can I improve my manufacturing process to make it more effective?" If you answer negative for the first and affirmative for the second question, it is time that you implement process manufacturing techniques on your manufacturing processes.
What do process manufacturing techniques do?
Process Manufacturing techniques work on the simple concept of integrating all the tools, machines and resources to optimize the efficiency of the manufacturing processes. Automation is an integral aspect of process manufacturing with many applications built for specific purposes. ERP software is one application which ensures that process manufacturing is achieved by means of automation.
What are the benefits of process manufacturing?
  • Reduces Inventory - Inventory is one of the reasons why production processes slow down. Process Manufacturing techniques like Lean Manufacturing employ different tools to ensure that the Inventory is reduced to a bare minimum. This ensures that the manufacturing processes work out of required materials for the manufacturing processes with unwanted materials not finding a place.
  • Reduces Lead time - Process Manufacturing techniques also advocates smooth flow of information between different stages of the production cycle ensuring less probability of errors in subsequent stages of production and reduction in lead time. All this leads nicely for the manufacturing processes to achieve shorter production times.
  • Shorter Production Cycles - Every manufacturing process aims to produce 'x' quantity of a product within a time constraint. A company's capability to do this consistently holds it in good stead with its customers. A company can achieve this by shortening the production cycle time. Considering that this has to be implemented with minimal impact on quality, process manufacturing techniques are implemented.
  • Automation - This is an inherent feature of almost all the process manufacturing techniques. Integrating manufacturing processes ensure that the chances of errors due to human intervention are minimized. With automation contributing directly to lessening the administrative and information-sharing workload, most companies consider automation as their strategic objective to process manufacturing.

What are the challenges to process manufacturing?
Benefits aside, there are many challenges to implement process manufacturing techniques in an organization. Firstly, the business owner must do well to manage the change without impacting the performance of the manufacturing process. Remember, process manufacturing techniques may re-engineer the manufacturing processes. If the re-engineering is not managed by the business owner, it may result in a lot of employee dissatisfaction. Secondly, process manufacturing techniques are not immune to uncontrollable changes. This means that human intervention at some stage of the manufacturing process is inevitable.
If you weigh the benefits and the challenges of process manufacturing, you will observe that numerically and qualitatively, process manufacturing rules. It is this balancing act that companies cash on to make their manufacturing processes more effective.
For Latest manufacturing online course visit :

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Saturday, 7 July 2012

How CNC Machines Can Benefit to Manufacturing Company

They keep you ahead of the game
Manufacturing is a competitive market. There are many companies in circulation offering similar services, meaning that customers will often be swayed by the companies that have a cutting edge, such as offering quick turnaround times. As CNC machines are computer controlled, they are much more efficient at production than traditional manual methods. If you're a company that is seeking large contracts or long-term agreements with other companies, then there's nothing better than knowing that you have the technology to meet the demand. It would be a disheartening situation if you couldn't take on a large project because you couldn't facilitate the production process. CNC machining is the perfect answer for efficiently producing quality products.
You can manufacture with precision
Manual turners and millers can be exceptionally good at what they can do; however, it is highly unlikely that they can match the exceptional engineering of CNC precision turned parts. Having a computer handling the turning and milling process could vastly expand your business prospects. Companies that have to have extremely precise and complex designs, such as those in the medical industry, cannot afford to receive parts that are anything but perfect. Use a CNC machine and you'll be able to guarantee a large quantity of equally precise parts, without having to worry about the possibility of human error.
You can reduce costs and increase profits
CNC machines aren't exactly cheap, but they can pay for themselves in a very short amount of time. If you currently have your machining done manually, then you are paying the wage of an employee month in, month out. Not only is this an on-going cost for your company, but the delay in production times by using a human can mean that this option is far from cost effective. Imagine the benefit of being able to mass produce precise parts whilst only having maintenance overheads to consider after the initial purchase of the machine. This is exactly what buying a CNC turning device can do for your business. There are many benefits to taking your production turning and milling technology to the next level.
Reduce wastage costs
This is definitely one of the major benefits. Production engineering companies waste copious amounts of money each year on wastage, due to human error. If you have a machine that can guarantee precision each and every time, with a minimal margin for error, then your wastage costs will plummet and your profits will sky rocket..
If you're interested in the benefits that CNC technology can bring to your business, then Griffiths Precision Engineering are veterans in this field, offering sub-contract machining services as well as a host of other Computer Numerical Controlled machining options.

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