Monday, 23 July 2012

Waste Water Management ..... Why it is must ???

Water may be costing you business more than your think. By initiating some simple actions, you can receive simple savings that go straight to your company's bottom line. Additional to that, it's environmentally friendly! Saving of up to 80% can be had by installing a water management system. They are generally programmable to your requirements and are incorporated into the water supply and urinal system to control flush frequency, therefore eliminating unnecessary and expensive waste.

Millions of liters of water are wasted every year alone by the constant flushing of men's urinals in toilets, even when there is absolutely no need to flush. This usually happens between the hours of 2am and 9am, or over weekends or holidays. When you think of the time over the year, this accounts for a major percentage - around 66% of a normal working day accounts for out of office hours.

Water being an indispensable element for sustenance should be conserved. Sources of water have soon begun to deplete at an alarming rate. Increase in population and depletion of water resources calls for a greater trouble in future, we are already experiencing shortage of this life saving element. Hence, there is a greater need to treat waste water.
Industrial waste and fertilizers used in the agricultural field if seeped in to marine habitats such as lakes and rivers will cause a lot of problems. Hence they must be treated before discharging them out. If not it leads to the growth of algae which consumes the oxygen in the water leaving behind nothing for the rest of the living creatures. It may lead to the death of other marine creatures. It further produces toxins which pose risk to life. It may cause problems to living creatures which may feed on them such as fish, and other aquatic creatures.

Biological treatment of this waste liquid is important. There is a lot of urban waste and industrial waste which needs to be treated. This has to adhere to the Community Directives and must meet the quality standards and objectives.

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