An eVersity is a knowledge city on internet, which dose not required any note book-pen or any type of black/white board or chalks. Our online courses offer a grate understanding of vocational training courses.Our online course provides a material which contains 3D animation strategy for a grate understanding of our free online course.Our e-learning course contains a manufacturing, Material science, power generation, CNC technology, Fabrication, new age technology and many more course.
Our manufacturing free e-learning courses contains 5s Techniques, Supervisory skill development, Material Handling Techniques, total quality management, group technology, statistical process control and understanding of ISO. Manufacturing Techniques is a something done on the row material / Product to convert it in to the desired final product. Today’s manufacturing process is not only concentrated on just to convert the row material / product in to desired final product but do the same with less wastage economically and preciously.
Today's manufacturing industries are much more competitive then ago. In order to get a success in to today's highly competitive manufacturing market, we required a high technology courses in manufacturing processes. We also know that the old technology is a base for the new technology. The blank space in the old manufacturing technology gives us an area wear we have to think for advancement and research.
Our free e-learning courses on manufacturing technology contains both the base technology and advance a technology in manufacturing technology. Our e-learning course provides a material of vocational crosses with animation, images and audio-video, which gives a great comfort to learner for deeply understanding of courses. Our free online courses not only give just a great understanding and knowledge of course but give the idea to think and learn about new technology in the offered online course.On success fully complication of our free e-learning courses, a learner get a deeply knowledge about the courses and great understanding of new advancement in courses.