Monday, 8 October 2012

CNC Technology course on e learning portal “EVERSITY”!

As we know that the eversity is a free online courses which offer a grate emphasis on manufacturing practices, 'NO' on advanced manufacturing practises. The advantages of personal computer has an incredible impact on the human life. We find the grate use of computer in our day to day life such as at offices, at banks, at shops, at homes etc.

Today computer's gone beyond those application. Now it also use in industries in the area of manufacturing practices and management also. The manufacturing practices with the involvement of computer is term as a CNC Technology. CNC technology means computer numerical control technology. CNC is matting of computer with the standard machine tools. Our free online courses offer a grate training on the CNC technology. A learner get a deep knowledge of recent CNC technology through our e-learning course on “EVERSITY” portal.

Friday, 28 September 2012

Define and Explain the Automated Factory

The general steps followed by any manufacturing practices are planning, processing, monitoring, controlling, inspection and dispatching.
All the steps included in conversion of raw material in to final finished product should be done with the integration of computer interface. An EVERSITY a free online manufacturing practices courses offer a grate emphasis on these matter of manufacturing.

Due to increasing the complexity and verity of product, the process and planning complexity in the manufacturing practices are also increase. In today’s automated factory all the things and steps for manufacturing the product are carried outed with the computer interface. Due to involvement of the computer / processor / intelligent system in each step of manufacturing practices, the human requirement is considerably decreases.

Also the inspection system in such a factory are call online inspection system. In which the inspection process is integrate with the manufacturing practices to form the close loop feedback control system, enabling the achievement of zero defect system.

Suppose a large factory manufacture a verity of product.

Each product has numbers of its own component which have to be uniquely defined in terms of geometry, material, and manufacturing process. So, the amount of information generated and managed in the plant will thus quite huge. Due to which today's automated factory require an information processing unit.
So, An automated factory is a one in which "All the planning, processing, monitoring, controlling and managing activities are followed with the interface of intelligent system".

An EVERSITY a free online manufacturing practice courses concentrate indirectly on the automation of today's manufacturing practices by the courses such as lean manufacturing, 5s, international standard organization, advance material handling etc.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

How manufacturing industries achieving the success

As we know that today's market is become extreme competitive & costumers test are changed frequently. Also in recent decayed there are a lots of development & advancement are done on the manufacturing technologies. Our free online courses on lean manufacturing practices on EVERSITY site also looks after these transformations of manufacturing practices.

These things inspire and encourage the manufacturing industries to use different techniques, methodology, processes and management for achieving goal of organization in today's highly competitive market.
There are many advancement has been done on recent lean manufacturing courses such as use of robotics, rapid product design and manufacturing practices (CAD/CAM), computer interface, manufacturing resource planning, statistical process planning, use of recent machining methods. A manufacturing industry should be carried out the manufacturing practices in highly automated factory. 

Also in present changing environment advanced information technologies are going to play crucial role in manufacturing practices. Computer integrated manufacturing practices and intelligent system has become essential to remain efficient and competitive. An e learning course online on an EVERSITY on the subject of the manufacturing practices is constructed by emphasis on competition in manufacturing markets in the regarding of manufacturing practices.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Manufacturing Industries Regarding the Technological Development

Today's manufacturing industries are extremely different from ago. Ago the product life are long. The production system requires a much larger time & the product is remaining in the market for such a long time. But due to change in the test of the customers & also due to technological development in recent decayed, the product life time is reduced, product remain in the market for short time.
There is always a present of replacement for the recent product available in the market. This makes the market extremely competitive. In this highly competitive market a manufacturing industries always try to manufacture a product with high quality & high quantity without increasing the product price.
For staying & running longer in this competitive market manufacturing industries always try to develop, modify, it’s recent product in order to increase its product selling & increase its profits.
This competitive market is not only beneficial for the manufacturing industries but it is also beneficial for the customers/buyers.
Because this competitive market set an availability of large variety of product in the market, which provide a freedom for the customers to buy the best product from available large verity of product in the market with less price from the available large verity of product.
Our free online courses on eversity are constructed on those topics by focusing the managerial activities of manufacturing industries.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Free Online Manufacturing Courses

Our free online manufacturing courses are prepared on the basic of those topics. There are four basic manufacturing attributes, which are essential parts of any manufacturing industries are cost, time, quality and flexibility.Cost related to manufacturing are equipment cost, tooling cost, material cost, labor cost, building cost, over head cost, maintenance and training cost, cost on capital & finance.Time refers to a least time required for manufacturing system to response the changes, can be in design, volume of production, etc.

Quality is refers to a satisfaction to customer's needs.

Flexibility of the manufacturing system is the measures of sensitivity of manufacturing system to the changes. The changes may be in external as well as internal environment of the manufacturing system.

Our free online manufacturing courses fulfill all the need of manufacturer. A learner can get technological as well as economical aspects of manufacturing. After successfully completion of our free online manufacturing course on EVERSITY.

Monday, 10 September 2012

Why Our Free Online Manufacturing Courses are Different from Others?

An eVersity is free online courses contain many types of manufacturing courses including the management of production, fabrication, advance technologies, fabrication, drawing and measurement, etc.

A manufacturing course is a wide course, we can also say that manufacturing is a brief subject about "how to convert raw material in to final finished product". A product goes under the production as an IDEA and comes out as a final finished product after passing through the different manufacturing processes.

An idea is a special features, character, and requirement of the customers, which is found out by market research. This idea is then presented in front of management as documentation. A management is then represented & set the plan for production of product as per market requirement. These plans are then goes through different department like design, purchase, marketing, production department etc. After which the planning for tooling & material, process lay out, plant lay out, selection of different manufacturing processes, equipment specification, work standard, value analysis, cost control, final assembly, inspection, and packaging and dispatching are carried out.

After the planning the main important topic is the successfully implementation of these plan. Regular assessments of these planning are also most important for assessing our established plan.

Friday, 31 August 2012

Why manufacturing courses on eversity is focused on lean manufacturing?

'AN EVERSITY IS A KNOWLEDGE CITY' which provides a courses on manufacturing, and it provides free online courses on lean manufacturing.

Think, If you have a highly advanced technology, assets, resources but you don't have a proper way to utilize, then it can be just an investment. It does not give any profit but it may become a loss for organization. So, the main objective in manufacturing is to optimal use of available resources & get maximum from it.
Our eversity free online courses focused on this lean manufacturing course.

As we know that there are two types of products value. One a product possesses which we add in product by our manufacturing process and other value is in terms of money which a customer are willing to pay for the product.

A Lean Manufacturing Course concentrate on both the values of product.

The value which customers are willing to pay are depends upon product design, product appearance, its features, its life etc. the lean manufacturing manage all those things. The second values are managed by lean manufacturing by reduction of material waste, time wastage, wastage of resources etc. 

Lean manufacturing includes different subcategory by which it can do so. Those are 5s techniques, supervisory skill, material handling techniques, TQM, SPC, ISO, GT & many more. These techniques which increases product's market value are includes in our free online e-learning courses, Which give a complete idea about the new advancement in manufacturing technologies & new advancement in management of manufacturing processes.

A learner who successfully completes our free online courses, He/she not only gets a technological knowledge of manufacturing but get the managerial knowledge of manufacturing process.

How eVersity free online courses help you in manufacturing technology?

An eVersity is a knowledge city on internet, which dose not required any note book-pen or any type of black/white board or chalks. Our online courses offer a grate understanding of vocational training courses.Our online course provides a material which contains 3D animation strategy for a grate understanding of our free online course.Our e-learning course contains a manufacturing, Material science, power generation, CNC technology, Fabrication, new age technology and many more course.

Our manufacturing free e-learning courses contains 5s Techniques, Supervisory skill development, Material Handling Techniques, total quality management, group technology, statistical process control and understanding of ISO. Manufacturing Techniques is a something done on the row material / Product to convert it in to the desired final product. Today’s manufacturing process is not only concentrated on just to convert the row material / product in to desired final product but do the same with less wastage economically and preciously.

Today's manufacturing industries are much more competitive then ago. In order to get a success in to today's highly competitive manufacturing market, we required a high technology courses in manufacturing processes. We also know that the old technology is a base for the new technology. The blank space in the old manufacturing technology gives us an area wear we have to think for advancement and research.

Our free e-learning courses on manufacturing technology contains both the base technology and advance a technology in manufacturing technology. Our e-learning course provides a material of vocational crosses with animation, images and audio-video, which gives a great comfort to learner for deeply understanding of courses. Our free online courses not only give just a great understanding and knowledge of course but give the idea to think and learn about new technology in the offered online course.On success fully complication of our free e-learning courses, a learner get a deeply knowledge about the courses and great understanding of new advancement in courses.

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Welding Safety Equipment - "Safety never takes a holiday !!!"

Welding is a potentially very dangerous and hazardous job. Therefore it is essential that you have the right protective equipment needed before you start.

When you weld you produce a huge amount of heat, light and fumes that can be incredibly harmful to you. So to shield you from these dangers you need to have the right protective equipment.

When choosing welding safety equipment, there are many things to consider but a prime consideration would be the type of welding that would be going on. This would determine what possible dangers the welding professional would be exposed to and how best to go about combating these dangers.

The use of welding safety equipments is essential to protect the areas of the body most vulnerable to hazards, which result directly from welding activities. As a result, welding safety equipments focus on protecting the head, the eyes, the body, the legs and feet of a welding professional. Welding safety equipments would include welding apparel, welding safety goggles and safety harnesses amongst others.

To start with you should have a welding mask and safety goggles that you wear underneath your mask. These welding masks will guard you against the damaging effects of the ultraviolet and infrared lights that are produced whilst welding. They will also protect your head and eyes from flying bits of metal, slag, burns and fumes.

OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) recognizes three broad categories under which welding goggles fall. These are the Eyecup Clear Safety Lens welding goggles; the Eyecup Coversepc Clear Safety Lens welding goggles and the Eyecup Coversepc Tinted welding goggles.

If your welding mask doesn't cover the whole of your head then it may be necessary for you to wear further headgear. A welder's fire-resistant cap will protect your head from flying sparks and burns. Similarly earmuffs will shield your ears against flying hot metal and also guard them from excessive noise.

Another important piece of safety equipment when welding is a good pair of boots. The boots should be made of leather, steel-toed and high-topped. These will help protect your feet and ankles from injury.

The next area of safety equipment to look at is gloves. You should always wear dry, thick, insulated welding gloves. These are necessary to protect your hands from burns and radiation. Welder's gloves are usually made of leather and are fire-resistant.

The safety harnesses are used by workers for welding activities in the air and are imperative in protection from falls. There are a lot of injuries from falls resulting from malfunctions of safety harnesses. The major reason for these injuries is that most safety harnesses have nylon webbings which could easily burn when sparks from welding activities touch them. Welding apparel protecting vulnerable parts are advised.

Finally you need to insure that the rest of your body is protected. You should always wear clothing of heavy materials such as wool or thick cotton. These materials are harder to ignite and therefore provide better protection against burns. You should avoid wearing any synthetic fabrics as they will burn easily and can melt onto your skin.

When choosing your clothing you need to make sure that all the parts of your body are completely covered. This means wearing long-sleeved shirts and long trousers, definitely no t-shirts or shorts. Your clothing needs to be kept clean and free from holes, tears or frays. Any clothing that is stained with oil, grease or any other solvents will be more at risk of catching fire. Whereas clothing that has holes or is frayed will be more likely to let heat and sparks through or become snagged on something.

All welding safety equipment should be purchased from reliable vendors and should come with clear and legible instructions.
For more visit :

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Lowering the Weld cost ....!!

Given that labor typically accounts for 60 percent to 85 percent of the total cost of any welding operation, fabricators stand to reap significant benefits by better understanding and controlling those costs. However, that’s often easier said than done. Here are some practical ways to do it.

Too often, manufacturers make the mistake of seeking to increase productivity by simply adding additional welding cells rather than looking for ways to maximize welder efficiency. In order to fully understand the true cost of a welding operation, companies need to look not just at the weld cell, but at the upstream and downstream operations outside the cell to see if labor is being unnecessarily wasted in non-value added activities.

While many portions of the welding operation are absolutely essential, there are also ways that manufacturers can lower the labor costs in the welding operation by reducing or eliminating the time consumed on the activities listed below :
• Preparing the metal for welding
• Preparing the joint
• Applying anti-spatter
• Pre-heating time
• Positioning and repositioning the weldment
• Grinding spatter and chipping slag
• Removing anti-spatter
• Repairing and/or reworking welds that don’t pass inspection
• Gas cylinder swap outs
• Changing filler metals
• Grinding and/or polishing weld to obtain final appearance

Additional ways to make the welding portion of the process more efficient include switching from small spools to large drums of welding wire, using bulk shielding gas instead of individual cylinders and converting to high-quality welding guns and consumables that require less frequent maintenance and repair.

Identifying the wasted labor in a welding operation is only the first step in the process, however. Once this has been identified, manufacturers often have numerous options available to reduce that waste, including production process reconfigurations, manpower reallocations, equipment upgrades and outsourcing certain parts of the process. Choosing the best solution will depend heavily on the company’s specific operation, products, growth plans and resources.

Before implementing any of these changes, fabricators should conduct thorough evaluations of their welding operations to fully understand the impact of the changes under consideration. Consulting with an efficiency expert, a welding integrator or an equipment manufacturer could help to identify areas where weld costs can be reduced and the best ways to accomplish that goal.

Companies should also be aware that in some cases, identifying and eliminating waste at one location in the production process will reveal – or even create – deficiencies in another part of the process. For example, before switching to an advanced pipe welding process, a mechanical contractor in Florida needed two welders to keep up with a single upstream person beveling and tacking the pipes. After switching processes, the contractor needed two employees beveling and tacking the pipe to keep up with a single welder.

For more visit : eVersity

Monday, 23 July 2012

Waste Water Management ..... Why it is must ???

Water may be costing you business more than your think. By initiating some simple actions, you can receive simple savings that go straight to your company's bottom line. Additional to that, it's environmentally friendly! Saving of up to 80% can be had by installing a water management system. They are generally programmable to your requirements and are incorporated into the water supply and urinal system to control flush frequency, therefore eliminating unnecessary and expensive waste.

Millions of liters of water are wasted every year alone by the constant flushing of men's urinals in toilets, even when there is absolutely no need to flush. This usually happens between the hours of 2am and 9am, or over weekends or holidays. When you think of the time over the year, this accounts for a major percentage - around 66% of a normal working day accounts for out of office hours.

Water being an indispensable element for sustenance should be conserved. Sources of water have soon begun to deplete at an alarming rate. Increase in population and depletion of water resources calls for a greater trouble in future, we are already experiencing shortage of this life saving element. Hence, there is a greater need to treat waste water.
Industrial waste and fertilizers used in the agricultural field if seeped in to marine habitats such as lakes and rivers will cause a lot of problems. Hence they must be treated before discharging them out. If not it leads to the growth of algae which consumes the oxygen in the water leaving behind nothing for the rest of the living creatures. It may lead to the death of other marine creatures. It further produces toxins which pose risk to life. It may cause problems to living creatures which may feed on them such as fish, and other aquatic creatures.

Biological treatment of this waste liquid is important. There is a lot of urban waste and industrial waste which needs to be treated. This has to adhere to the Community Directives and must meet the quality standards and objectives.

For more visit us at

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Solar Technology - A Way to Save Money

Since the beginning of man and earth, the sun has provided us with an abundant source of energy. A power source so great it has illuminated our planet for billions of years. Only in recent times has man been able to recognize how to integrate this to our lives. Sadly, we are only using a diminutive amount compared to what is available to us. The main cause is the lack of technology we possess. We have known of its potential since early man was born but we are limited by the tools we have to harness this effectively.
Solar technology is a wonderful method for saving cash and use completely eco-friendly power, but to be perfectly sincere, it's not suitable for everybody. Solar power equipment and installation is pricey. Certain areas and house circumstances will not be suitable for generating energy, and certain places and states will not deliver the identical incentives, rendering it a tougher decision.
In order to clear up a few of the questions and dilemma, here are various questions you should ask yourself to find out if solar power fits your needs and also your home.

Does Your State/City Make It Worthwhile?
This is how you're going to have to do some investigation. Several states (most notably California and Vermont) seriously incentivize the purchase, installation and use of solar panel systems to the degree that you will not just save money, but you may actually profit from your extra energy and from the sale of SRECs. Some other states do not have such programs or possibly a accreditation program for SREC generation, which makes it much more expensive for the same equipment. Do your research, and make sure to find all of the city, state and federal programs you qualify for.

Do You Have Significant Energy Needs?
Determining your power requirements can be tricky. Most people do not power their houses 100% from solar power, but you need to get a good suggestion of just how much you will need. A typical a solar panel system will produce in between 1000-2000 kWh each month. To get a good idea of just how much energy this is, the easiest way might be to look at your electricity bill to see how much you are currently utilising. Alternately, you might go through your house and add up the electrical appliances you actually need. For instance, a pc uses around 300-500 watts, whereas a refrigerator uses 500-1000 watts. How this switches to kWh is take your total power level usage (for this instance, let's say it's only the computer and also the fridge, so around twelve hundred watts) times the time period it's being utilized (again, let's think that both are utilized twenty-four hours/day) and you get 28,800 watt hours (or 28.8 kWh). There are also gadgets you can get to evaluate your utilization, or you can merely look at your meter and measure it from month to month or daily.

Is Going Green Crucial To You?
Finally, how important is it that you "go green"? For some, the cost, the irritation of trying to get governing programs and the prospective to save virtually no cash depending on your circumstances may not matter when you take into consideration the positive impact you'll be having on the environment. The green facet of going solar is an intangible value that you'll need to think about and decide for yourself what its worth. Ultimately, there will be some cost associated with either decision, so weigh all of the implications and options carefully before making your final decision. solar power is the next best thing in the race for energy efficiency

latest online courses of soloar technology

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Process Manufacturing Techniques

Should you be a business owner of your company that manufactures products for customers, you should ask yourself couple of questions "Is my manufacturing process delivering at its optimum?", "Can I improve my manufacturing process to make it more effective?" If you answer negative for the first and affirmative for the second question, it is time that you implement process manufacturing techniques on your manufacturing processes.
What do process manufacturing techniques do?
Process Manufacturing techniques work on the simple concept of integrating all the tools, machines and resources to optimize the efficiency of the manufacturing processes. Automation is an integral aspect of process manufacturing with many applications built for specific purposes. ERP software is one application which ensures that process manufacturing is achieved by means of automation.
What are the benefits of process manufacturing?
  • Reduces Inventory - Inventory is one of the reasons why production processes slow down. Process Manufacturing techniques like Lean Manufacturing employ different tools to ensure that the Inventory is reduced to a bare minimum. This ensures that the manufacturing processes work out of required materials for the manufacturing processes with unwanted materials not finding a place.
  • Reduces Lead time - Process Manufacturing techniques also advocates smooth flow of information between different stages of the production cycle ensuring less probability of errors in subsequent stages of production and reduction in lead time. All this leads nicely for the manufacturing processes to achieve shorter production times.
  • Shorter Production Cycles - Every manufacturing process aims to produce 'x' quantity of a product within a time constraint. A company's capability to do this consistently holds it in good stead with its customers. A company can achieve this by shortening the production cycle time. Considering that this has to be implemented with minimal impact on quality, process manufacturing techniques are implemented.
  • Automation - This is an inherent feature of almost all the process manufacturing techniques. Integrating manufacturing processes ensure that the chances of errors due to human intervention are minimized. With automation contributing directly to lessening the administrative and information-sharing workload, most companies consider automation as their strategic objective to process manufacturing.

What are the challenges to process manufacturing?
Benefits aside, there are many challenges to implement process manufacturing techniques in an organization. Firstly, the business owner must do well to manage the change without impacting the performance of the manufacturing process. Remember, process manufacturing techniques may re-engineer the manufacturing processes. If the re-engineering is not managed by the business owner, it may result in a lot of employee dissatisfaction. Secondly, process manufacturing techniques are not immune to uncontrollable changes. This means that human intervention at some stage of the manufacturing process is inevitable.
If you weigh the benefits and the challenges of process manufacturing, you will observe that numerically and qualitatively, process manufacturing rules. It is this balancing act that companies cash on to make their manufacturing processes more effective.
For Latest manufacturing online course visit :

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Saturday, 7 July 2012

How CNC Machines Can Benefit to Manufacturing Company

They keep you ahead of the game
Manufacturing is a competitive market. There are many companies in circulation offering similar services, meaning that customers will often be swayed by the companies that have a cutting edge, such as offering quick turnaround times. As CNC machines are computer controlled, they are much more efficient at production than traditional manual methods. If you're a company that is seeking large contracts or long-term agreements with other companies, then there's nothing better than knowing that you have the technology to meet the demand. It would be a disheartening situation if you couldn't take on a large project because you couldn't facilitate the production process. CNC machining is the perfect answer for efficiently producing quality products.
You can manufacture with precision
Manual turners and millers can be exceptionally good at what they can do; however, it is highly unlikely that they can match the exceptional engineering of CNC precision turned parts. Having a computer handling the turning and milling process could vastly expand your business prospects. Companies that have to have extremely precise and complex designs, such as those in the medical industry, cannot afford to receive parts that are anything but perfect. Use a CNC machine and you'll be able to guarantee a large quantity of equally precise parts, without having to worry about the possibility of human error.
You can reduce costs and increase profits
CNC machines aren't exactly cheap, but they can pay for themselves in a very short amount of time. If you currently have your machining done manually, then you are paying the wage of an employee month in, month out. Not only is this an on-going cost for your company, but the delay in production times by using a human can mean that this option is far from cost effective. Imagine the benefit of being able to mass produce precise parts whilst only having maintenance overheads to consider after the initial purchase of the machine. This is exactly what buying a CNC turning device can do for your business. There are many benefits to taking your production turning and milling technology to the next level.
Reduce wastage costs
This is definitely one of the major benefits. Production engineering companies waste copious amounts of money each year on wastage, due to human error. If you have a machine that can guarantee precision each and every time, with a minimal margin for error, then your wastage costs will plummet and your profits will sky rocket..
If you're interested in the benefits that CNC technology can bring to your business, then Griffiths Precision Engineering are veterans in this field, offering sub-contract machining services as well as a host of other Computer Numerical Controlled machining options.

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Friday, 22 June 2012

Custom Steel Fabrication Explained

Steel fabrication is one of the basic methods in building and machine construction. Steel products can be prefabricated, cast, or custom fabricated. Custom steel fabrication is a specialized skill that requires years of long training and trial and error to master. Thru experience and knowledge, one will be able to do custom steel fabrication.
Most commercial building fabrication prefer custom fabricated steel to get exact measurements and avoid cutting and wasting small pieces of metal. Since custom steel fabrication involves exact measurements of the construction plan, you are less likely to produce scrap metal and maximize every material that you purchase.
The following are only some of the uses of commercially fabricated steel:
  • Structural foundations and designs
  • Steel pipe fabrication
  • Fencing and gates for homes and buildings
  • Metal artworks
  • Mechanical Parts
  • Furnitures
  • Ornamental decors
As stated above, there are more uses for fabricated steel than just construction. It can also be used for car parts, ornamental decorations, furniture and more. If you are a custom steel fabricator, you should also try to venture the latter. Most people who own automobiles find OEM replacement parts way out of budget. If you can fabricate custom aftermarket parts at cheaper prices, you will likely be sought by these people and improve your market scope.
People are often overwhelmed with designing steel products, thinking that it is a hard job. Though it requires a lot of time and effort, it is not as hard as you think and it is actually a lucrative industry.
For construction, here are the basic concepts to remember to fabricate high quality steel beams, keeping the quality and durability in mind:
  • Dead loads (D) are those which are always present. Think of a concrete slab, or the weight of a wall. Those loads are always present and do not change.
  • Live Loads (L) are typically occupancy type loads. You are a type of Live Load in the structure you are in right now. American Society of Civil Engineers publishes a book (ASCE 7) with guidance for the amount of live load that should be used for different structures.
  • Roof Live Loads (Lr) are similar to Live Loads, but are specific to the roof and are typically related to construction or maintenance activities.
  • Snow Loads (S) are exactly want they sound like, loads cause by snow. Local building codes often dictate the appropriate ground or design snow loads to use. These are typically basic loads. Drift and unbalanced conditions should be accounted for as needed.
  • Other Loads are less common in beam design but can include Wind (W), Seimic or Earthquake (E), Rain (R), Lateral Earth (H), etc.
For more information, you may also want to visit

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Monday, 18 June 2012

Total Quality Management

Total Quality Management has been around for quite some time now. But if we talk about quality, what exactly do we then mean?
A definition that is frequently used to describe it is: The ability to please the customer by fully meeting their expectations and needs. These expectations and needs refer to many aspects, the most common being delivery of products or services, the availability, performance to produce, maintainability of a delivered product, the look and feel or appearance of the goods, price level, reliability as a partner and good cost effectiveness as a result of less overhead.
Common business sense would state that an organization has to understand and measure its capacity to live up to the expectations and needs of their customers. Failure to meet the demands of the internal customer will undoubtedly and unequivocally move through the delivery chain towards the last stage, where it interfaces with the external customer. For a business to be really effective, a quality approach must cover all activities and all people at every level within the organization.
Total Quality Management is centered around a couple of key areas.
It all starts with people. The employees that every day carry out the activities required in the process all have their own customers and suppliers. If not everyone within the company is fully committed to quality, it will not be possible for the organization to excel. And as TQM is a method of continuous improvement, an internal culture will be required that stimulates this continuous improvement, and promotes and rewards effective teamwork.
Any company is built on a set of core processes that produce desired outputs by transforming inputs. For these outputs - or results - to be effective, they will have to meet external and internal customer's needs. Analysis of every process is required in order to establish areas of improvement which will lead to higher quality.
Strategic Business Plan will have to be in place that clearly states the key performance indicators. Through performance management, these indicators will be controlled, and continuous monitoring will quickly show any deviations from the plan.
Quality Management System finally will be used to keep track of all achievements. It is a vital component and will highly contribute to reaching the goals as laid out in the strategic business plan.
The implementation of a TQM program can be quite challenging. Before starting any activities, it is important for an organization to clarify the level of commitment within the management team and the real motivation which supports the decision to introduce it. There are many points that have to be considered, already an early stage.
One should start with establishing a systematic plan which will be used for the implementation of TQM. Barriers to process improvement should be eliminated, and communications and teamwork must be improved. There has to be an urge and recognition that systems must be managed. In analyzing the processes, it is important that only facts are used. Quality has a lot to do with the right mentality, and establishing a culture that inspires to do things right already the first time is required. Up to date methods of supervision is best used in order to remove fear for change among employees. Personnel should be trained and provided with a thorough understanding of the relationship between supplier and the customer. The subject matter experts will have to be educated and trained in order to continuously develop their skills and knowledge. Last but not least, Within the entire organization, long term commitment to continuous quality improvement has to be introduced and eventually established.
Applying Total Quality Management within an organization has many benefits. Managing quality as a way to achieve excellence means that the business has to be managed in such a manner that every job and process that is performed, is carried out right, each and every time, not just the first time. The reputation of any business is built on the excellence and quality of the services and products it delivers. If applied correctly, quality management can be an effective competitive attribute, which leads to more profits because of improved customer satisfaction and increased market share.

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Wednesday, 13 June 2012

What's Different About Mobile Learning?

The digital age has led to the development of a new relationship between teachers and learners that was unimaginable in traditional classroom-based teaching. Traditional classrooms were typically teacher-centric, with little or negligible communication and interaction between the two. Mobile devices, on the other hand, have created new learning opportunities for both students and teachers. This new age learning gives more importance to students, their individual learning styles, in order to enhance performance. It is more student-centric, the main focus being on the learners.
By mobile learning, we mean the use of mobile phones (Smartphone, iPads, tablets, and many more) to impart education to people. Nowadays, a rising number of educational institutes as well as corporate organizations are shifting towards mobile learning because of the portability it offers to learn while on the move. You no longer need to sit in classrooms to attend classes; all you need is a mobile device to instantly get connected with your teacher and start learning on the spot.
Features and Benefits of Mobile Learning
Mobile devices make learning portable, meaning you can access the course materials from anywhere around the world. Learning and work can go hand in hand. Hence, working students don't waste time attending classes and company workers can receive training on the job.
Through mobile learning, you can address each individual separately compared to conventional classrooms where you have to deal with a large group of students. Teachers can answer questions of learners, individually and also motivate them to perform better at examinations.
Students feel much more excited whilst learning using their mobile phones. They can access the websites 24x7 and also complete registration to a class or training program via their mobile phones. It, therefore, makes the whole process of learning an exciting affair.
Mobile devices are ideal for workers who need some last-minute suggestion to complete a particular work or project. They can instantly call up their boss to get step-by-step advice on what has to be done. Mobile learning ensures world-class collaboration by which learning and support can be provided to any individual irrespective of geographical dispersals. Workers or students located at different regions can easily discuss about a problem using their Smartphone or iPad.
Mobiles provide an informal way of learning as compared to conventional classrooms where you have to be present on time wearing school uniforms and school badges. Learners can always stay in touch with each other and converse and share valuable learning materials, 24 hours a day.
try out online learning at : 
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Saturday, 9 June 2012

Some Information About Automobile Engineering

Automotive engineering is the field of engineering that deals with the production, manufacture, design, research and development pertaining to vehicles such as cars, trucks, etc. The career field for this section of engineering is broken up into three broad categories, namely - production, development and manufacturing. The production field deals with the designing and testing of the engines, transmission related parts and other portions that will help to assure safety, reliability and performance. The development field deals with the coordination of the overall design and the setting of the specifications of various individual parts is done in this specialization category. The manufacturing of various parts as well as the final assembly of the entire machine is done in the manufacturing field.
There are two paths that you can take if you want to be an automotive engineer - mechanical engineering and automotive engineering technology. Since the result of both the courses is more or less the same the basic requirements for both the courses are not too different from each other. You are required to have a background of physics, chemistry and mathematics in your early academic career but, since automotive engineering does require computer usage in the form of Computer Assisted Design and Modeling you will have to incorporate computer courses in your educationally formative years.
If you are looking into the production field and want to be a production engineer then you will need to take up courses in BSc in automotive engineering technology. This degree will help you to work on the designing and testing of specific components and safety measures. The study course will give most importance to applied design and testing. The schools with the best records for this degree are the Ferris State University in Michigan and the Arizona State University. The schools are also known to give internship programs that allow you to learn while on the job.
Getting a BSc degree in mechanical engineering will provide you with work related to the broader dimensions in terms of the design and manufacture of automobiles. The basic courses will give due credence to physics, chemistry and mathematics as they are the backbone courses of any engineering degree. Apart from this the school will also provide courses in analysis, design and the theory of the engineering involved by means of extensive laboratory work. Along this path you will find that the specialization in this field will be quite limited at the undergraduate level. Aspirants for automotive engineering have been known to basically focus on the preparation for graduate school. At the Master's level most courses are focused on the study of electrical and mechanical engineering aspects that are applicable to vehicles, the systems design and methods of analysis on an advanced level. The course generally takes approximately two years and in most universities like the one in Michigan the courses that are offered require about 30 semester hours of study time.
At the end of the courses you will need certification and the certification exams will be offered by certain organizations like the Society of Automobile Engineers and the American Society for Mechanical Engineers.
It's always good to make sure that even if you think you know what you want to do, that you evaluate all your options. That's why we've created this site designed to help you also explore automobile engineering courses

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Thursday, 7 June 2012

Laser Measuring Devices And What They Do?

Laser measuring devices are pocket-sized, digital instruments that can measure from a few inches to over one hundred feet.
Using a laser measuring device is very easy and involves very few steps. Just point to a target, press a button, and the device immediately displays on the screen the distance to the target. This can be done by one person since there is nothing to hold at the other end, as was the case with old-fashioned tape measure, and even using one hand since the keypad is small and within finger reach. It is easy for a single person to make multiple measurements involving large dimensions that would have required a team using standard tape measure.
The mathematics involved is straight forward. A narrow laser beam is sent towards a target and the time taken for the pulse to be reflected back to the sensor is measured. This number is divided by two times the speed of light to give the one-way distance. Measurements are very accurate. The precision is extremely high for ordinary spatial measurements although accuracy falls at the sub-millimeter level due to time delays in the circuit.
Many models accept two different distances (A and B) that can be entered into the instrument and then subtracted from specific measured lengths. This enables the user to see the direction in which the device must be moved since the display shows a direction arrow with the current staking-out distance. One meter to the next staking-out point the instrument gives an audible signal.
If you need to make repetitive measurements quickly, then laser measuring devices that can operate in continuous laser mode are necessary. This mode minimizes the number of key strokes so you are able of focus more on taking measurements instead of fidgeting with the panel. With all those perfect capabilities, measuring distance of two separate objects is something that can be mastered easily.
The bigger the measuring range of the device, the more expensive it is. Many laser distance meters even have a swing out pin for measuring corners. Other useful features to look for are area and volume calculations, a built-in calculator allowing addition and subtraction of measurements, tripod mounts, water-resistant casing, hand strap and an LED display that can vary its brightness depending on the surrounding illumination.
Laser measuring devices are commonly used by architects, surveyors, engineers, real estate agents, insurance brokers, golfers and police officers. Professional models permit the calculation of length, width, height, distance, and compute area and volume quickly and accurately. The high portability of these units is a big advantage. Most laser measuring devices have ergonomic designs and are also secure against dust, jet water and 6-foot drops for durability in rough and abusive environments.

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Friday, 1 June 2012

Open Source Learning Management Systems

The trend of open source learning management systems has grown recently to such an extent that you can now choose the system that suits you best. The "open-source" characteristic is their common, most important feature, as the user has the possibility and permission to change, improve and even distribute the software further.
The most popular of these learning management systems is Moodle, which we already discussed several times and will discuss further. Today, we're going to look at other similar platforms that might be suitable for your business.
DoceboLMS is a SCORM compliant platform, used in corporate environments, government and education. They offer free online training in the form of audio/video presentation, divided into categories for each topic. You can choose to play a "serious game", which is actually the simulation of managing an e-learning project. Trying these tutorials will help you decide whether this is the right platform for your needs.
Intermediate feedback in a Docebo serious game simulator
An interesting feature of Docebo is the possibility of video chat between participants in a course.
Dokeos is another learning suite, available in four languages (English, French, Spanish, Dutch), which offers the appropriate platform for e-learning and blended learning management. Some of its main features would be the social network tool, mindmapping, document templates, quiz templates and graphic reporting of students' progress. The interface is user-friendly and the forums provide the necessary information for a beginner.
Features of Dekoes
The platform emphasizes on good design, which is a feature often left out by e-learning platforms. The "Dokeos E-Learning Studio" allows designers to work with free resources, templates, images, mascots, and so on. This platform looks very contemporary and it is most probably attractive for students, as it is highly interactive and illustrated. was initiated in Belgium, in 2001, and it offers all the basic features of a learning management system: publishing documents in various formats, discussion forums, student groups, exercises, agenda, paper submission etc. They take pride in their usability, since the instructor only needs to be familiar with a browser in order to work with Claroline. Dedicated training will not be necessary, so instructors can concentrate on education rather than on technical matters.
Claroline demo course
For certain fees, Claroline offer such services as: hosting and support (installation, backup, updates, securization, phone and e-mail technical support), face to face training and customization.
A very awarded learning system is OLAT, having won the first Medida Prix in 2000, the Swiss Open Source Award in 2008 and The Leadership Award for best open source LMS in 2009. Although created for universities, the platform is suitable for businesses as well. OLAT supports collaborative group work, including the now classic discussion forums, chats, calendars and wikis. A downside would be that some of the informational/demo material is solely in German.
A demo blog in OLAT
OLAT is also available on the most important social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc), which creates great opportunities for the members to interact with each other outside of the e-learning platform.
Of course, there are several other open source LMS, more or less popular than the ones mentioned above: Sakai Project, ATutor, openElms, Ganesha, eFront or eConf. A good idea, before deciding which platform to choose, would be to research more of them and find the one with the best features for your needs. While some open source LMS might have more features than others, these might not be of any interest to business. The suitable features, rather than the most features, that's what matters in this field. You should also note the usability and accessibility of these platforms, which may aid or confuse your trainees just as easily.
Are you looking for more resources to help you create training materials, hosting online training, or tips for rapid development of online training?
Visit  today. There are articles and tips may help you solve your problems and get new ideas you can implement in your training programs.

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Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Methods of Power Generation

Since the time electricity has been invented, different methods of power generation has been implemented to make the lives of people easier. Power generation is to transform different kinds of energy sources to convert it to electricity.
Some of the methods that are being implemented to this date are as follows:
1. Solar power - Solar power utilizes the sun's immense energy that can be converted to another type of energy and this is electricity. There are solar collectors and solar panels that can collect the sun's energy to make electricity that can be distributed to any household. Solar energy is renewable and it helps diminish pollution.
The only downside to this is the cost and the efficiency to produce energy.
2. Wind power - This is another method of power generation that produces energy. Wind turbines can be constructed in places where the wind is quite strong to generate electricity. Wind power is also eco-friendly and it is renewable. The only disadvantage to this is that it is limited to windy places.
3. Geothermal power - Geothermal power uses underground steam that comes from vents in volcanoes. Geothermal plants are constructed to produce electrical power. Geothermal energy is abundant in places where there are many volcanoes and springs.
4. Hydro power - Hydro power is one of the largest energy source in the world. Almost 70 percent of the world utilizes hydropower to produce enough energy. Power generation dams are constructed to produce electricity that can be distributed to different households.
Although hydropower plants produce a large amount of energy, it disrupts the natural ecosystem within its surrounding area. Other places can also be dried up because water is being contained inside the dam.
5. Fossil fuels - Fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas can also generate energy. Countries in the Middle East are rich in fossil fuels. The advantage of this kind of energy source is it can produce a lot of energy hat can be used in power plants cars and other machineries.
The only set back to this is pollution. Fossil fuel is the number one producer of waste gases that destroys our environment. It is also non-renewable that is why it is already depleting as of now.
6. Tidal energy. The powerful tide in the sea can also be harnessed to produce energy and electricity. Although it is viable, it is quite rare for countries to set a tidal power plant. First, it is expensive and secondly you need a huge tide to produce enough energy.
7. Biomass - Biomass can be the answer to non-renewable resources to generate power. Experts and scientist have been developing the potential of biomass energy to produce enough energy for people to use.
8. Nuclear energy - Nuclear energy has its advantages and disadvantages. Since the discovery of nuclear fission, nuclear power has been in demand to produce enough energy and electricity. The downside to this is the hazards it can give when accident occurs just like the Chernobyl nuclear plant.
These are the methods of power generation that can be used to have energy and electricity to make the lives of people easier and better.
Best power and electricity online course visit :

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Wednesday, 23 May 2012

The Advantages of eLearning

Technology has revolutionized business; now it must revolutionize learning.
In the 21st century, people have to learn more than ever before. Especially for global organizations, live classroom-based training is becoming too costly and cumbersome. Even if employees had the time to attend all the courses and seminars and to read all the books and reports they should to remain up-to-date in their area of work, the cost of such learning would be prohibitive. The need to transform how organizations learn points to a more modern, efficient, and flexible alternative: eLearning. The mission of corporate eLearning is to supply the workforce with an up-to-date and cost-effective program that yields motivated, skilled, and loyal knowledge workers.
Anywhere, anytime, anyone.
The Internet can offer the logical solution for a company's education and training objectives. Approximately 80% of the professional workforce already uses computers on the job. Technical obstacles, such as access, standards, infrastructure, and bandwidth, will not be an issue in a few years. The growth of the World Wide Web, high-capacity corporate networks, and high-speed desktop computers will make learning available to people 24 hours a day, seven days a week around the globe. This will enable businesses to distribute training and critical information to multiple locations easily and conveniently. Employees can then access training when it is convenient for them, at home or in the office.
Substantial cost savings due to elimination of travel expenses.
When delivered through technology based solutions, training is less expensive per end user due to scalable distribution and the elimination of high salaries for trainers and consultants. The biggest benefit of eLearning, however, is that it eliminates the expense and inconvenience of getting the instructor and students in the same place. According to Training Magazine, corporations save between 50-70% when replacing instructor-led training with electronic content delivery. Opting for eLearning also means that courses can be pared into shorter sessions and spread out over several days or weeks so that the business would not lose an employee for entire days at a time. Workers can also improve productivity and use their own time more efficiently, as they no longer need to travel or fight rush-hour traffic to get to a class.
Just-in-time access to timely information.
Web-based products allow instructors to update lessons and materials across the entire network instantly. This keeps content fresh and consistent and gives students immediate access to the most current data. Information can be retrieved just before it is required, rather than being learned once in a classroom and subsequently forgotten. Training Magazine reported that technology-based training has proven to have a 50-60% better consistency of learning than traditional classroom learning (c-learning).
Higher retention of content through personalized learning.
Technology-based solutions allow more room for individual differences in learning styles. They also provide a high level of simulation that can be tailored to the learner's level of proficiency. With 24 x 7 access, people can learn at their own pace and review course material as often as needed. Since they can customize the learning material to their own needs, students have more control over their learning process and can better understand the material, leading to a 60% faster learning curve, compared to instructor-led training. The delivery of content in smaller units, called "chunks," contributes further to a more lasting learning effect. Whereas the average content retention rate for an instructor-led class is only 58%, the more intensive eLearning experience enhances the retention rate by 25 - 60%.1 Higher retention of the material puts a higher value on every dollar spent on training.
Improved collaboration and interactivity among students.
In times when small instructor-led classes tend to be the exception, electronic learning solutions can offer more collaboration and interaction with experts and peers as well as a higher success rate than the live alternative. Teaching and communication techniques which create an interactive online environment include case studies, story-telling, demonstrations, role-playing, simulations, streamed videos, online references, personalized coaching and mentoring, discussion groups, project teams, chat rooms, e-mail, bulletin boards, tips, tutorials, FAQs, and wizards.
Distance education can be more stimulating and encourage more critical reasoning than a traditional large instructor-led class because it allows the kind of interaction that takes place most fully in small group settings. Studies have shown that students who take online courses are typically drawn into the subject matter of the class more deeply than in a traditional course because of the discussions they get involved in.2 This engagement is further facilitated by the fact that instructors do not monopolize attention in an online environment. Another study found that online students had more peer contact with others in the class, enjoyed it more, spent more time on class work, understood the material better, and performed, on average, 20% better than students who were taught in the traditional classroom.
Online training is less intimidating than instructor-led courses.
Students taking an online course enter a risk-free environment in which they can try new things and make mistakes without exposing themselves. This characteristic is particularly valuable when trying to learn soft skills, such as leadership and decision making. A good learning program shows the consequences of students' actions and here/why they went wrong. After a failure, students can go back and try again. This type of learning experience eliminates the embarrassment of failure in front of a group.
With all of these advantages of taking classes online, it is hard to imagine why anyone would opt to sit in a lecture to learn new information. There are online classes available free on a multitude of topics, just start surfing, find one to your liking, and start learning!
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Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Welding Safety Equipment

Welding safety equipment comes in various designs and fitted for different purposes. Regardless of the purpose or design, they each have one goal in common; to provide the utmost protection for welding professionals.
When choosing welding safety equipment, there are many things to consider but a prime consideration would be the type of welding that would be going on. This would determine what possible dangers the welding professional would be exposed to and how best to go about combating these dangers.
The use of welding safety equipments is essential to protect the areas of the body most vulnerable to hazards, which result directly from welding activities. As a result, welding safety equipments focus on protecting the head, the eyes, the body, the legs and feet of a welding professional. Welding safety equipments would include welding apparel, welding safety goggles and safety harnesses amongst others.
Welding apparel come in many forms, some of which are headgears for protection from flames. They are designed for use in welding activities where high levels of heat or sparks are expected. They drape over the worker's face and are flame retardant. A great material for these headgears would be leather.
Welding safety gloves are another form of welding safety apparel which is designed to be worn by workers for protection during welding activities. They are made from a number of materials including cowhide and deerskin. There are also welding safety gloves made from heat resistance fiber glass.
The safety harnesses are used by workers for welding activities in the air and are imperative in protection from falls. There are a lot of injuries from falls resulting from malfunctions of safety harnesses. The major reason for these injuries is that most safety harnesses have nylon webbings which could easily burn when sparks from welding activities touch them. Welding apparel protecting vulnerable parts are advised.
Some of these harness protection apparel include the bib aprons which are fire retardant. They repel the sparks which result from welding activities and protect the webbing of the safety harness. There are also waist aprons which are flame retardant and provide protection against burns from sparks. The arms, waist and legs of the safety harnesses have been found to be most vulnerable to burns therefore flame retardant sleeves are highly recommended.
Welding goggles are another important aspect of safety protection equipment. The eyes are particularly vulnerable to injury and damage during welding operations. There are so many hazards which exposure to would be extremely dangerous for the eyes. Some of these hazards include exposure to harmful ultraviolet rays, flying particles and molten metal amongst others. Welding goggles are highly recommended and are in fact, mandatory for welding operations.
OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) recognizes three broad categories under which welding goggles fall. These are the Eyecup Clear Safety Lens welding goggles; the Eyecup Coversepc Clear Safety Lens welding goggles and the Eyecup Coversepc Tinted welding goggles.
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Friday, 18 May 2012

Learning Logs to Use in Workshops

If you are conducting a workshop or series of workshops for mathematics and science teachers, particularly if it's related to content area literacy, consider using one or more of the following learning logs as a way of learning more about your participants and what they are thinking and learning in your workshops.

Learning Log Entry #1
People come into this workshop with varying expectations. It helps me to know what your expectations are. Please use the space below to talk about what you hope to learn and/or plan to learn in this class. Be as specific as you possibly can--relating it to the teaching of mathematics and/or science, your personal teaching self, etc.

Learning Log Entry #2
What questioning techniques do you recall from your middle school (junior high school) and/or high school years in mathematics and science classrooms? How did you respond to the various techniques that you remember? What kind of questioner do you see yourself being as a mathematics and/or science teacher? 

Learning Log Entry #3
Does the middle school and/or high school mathematics and science teacher have a responsibility to use (essentially) whatever means are necessary to help students learn from text? Or, is it students' responsibility to help themselves learn from text? Or, is there another way of saying this that you are more comfortable with, as a mathematics and/or science teacher? Is your responsibility any different from other content area teachers' responsibilities? Why (or why not) and how? What did your mathematics and science teachers do-or what have you done for yourself-that has helped mathematics and science textbooks be more readable (more user-friendly)? Can these ideas be translated for use in your own classroom? How?
Learning Log Entry #4
In general, do you consider yourself a good "studier?" Why or why not? If you think you're pretty good--how did you get that way? If you don't think you're too good in the studying department, why aren't you? And, what would have helped you to be better? Are you a better "studier" in the areas of mathematics and/or science? If so, why do you think you are? What implications can you draw for your students? 

Learning Log Entry #5
Describe a metacognitive experience that you have had. Describe the situation and what caused you to be thinking about your thinking. Did this help in this situation? Why or why not? Do you consider yourself to be fairly metacognitively aware? How do you know? Does being metacognitively aware help in mathematics and science? Why or why not?
Learning Log Entry #6
What has surprised you most about this class? What have you learned that you didn't expect to learn? What long-held notions about reading, writing, and/or teaching have been changed since this class started? Be as specific as possible, please.

Learning Log Entry #7
Describe the learning that has occurred for you during this workshop. If you like, go back and look at the objectives for the course and see whether they have been met as far as you're concerned. How have you grown and/or changed as a result of this class? As always, please be as specific as possible.

Alternative Learning Log Entry #8
Overall evaluation/response regarding today's class:
Just choose from one of these learning log options - or model your own after these.  The main idea is to learn about your learners and to encourage them to reflect upon their own learning. 
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